
Here’s a challenge: think of a single moment in the day when you’re not within arms reach of something made from oil and natural gas components. A jog in the woods? Running shoes are on your feet. Asleep at night? Your cell phone is probably by the bed.

Nearly 96% of all manufactured goods contain a petroleum by-product.

That’s everything from credit cards and car seats, to artificial heart valves and bulletproof vests.

Our newest series – Energy to Amaze – explores how oil and natural gas unlock many of the world’s most impressive innovations, benefit humankind, and make our way of life possible.

EnergyHQ is powered by the Oklahoma Energy Resources Board – OERB – which is voluntarily funded by the state's oil and natural gas producers and royalty owners. The OERB provides free environmental restoration of abandoned well sites and works to educate the state's citizens about the oil and natural gas industry. For more on the OERB's mission and how it is funded, visit