It doesn’t come with a shipping label. There is no ‘Made in Oklahoma’ sticker attached. But oil and natural gas produced here, shipped to countless homes and businesses beyond our state lines, is powering American progress like never before.
Horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing have tripled Oklahoma’s oil production and doubled natural gas production in the last ten years. And the state’s SCOOP and STACK plays are the center of it all. Bringing jobs and renewed strength to local economies.
Every Oklahoman can take pride in powering U.S. energy independence while protecting our local communities every step of the way.
Strict rules and guidelines protect our air, water and land. Multiple agencies – the Environmental Protection Agency; Occupational Safety and Health Administration; and the Oklahoma Corporation Commission, to name a few – regulate the process.
Oil and natural gas companies take voluntary measures that go beyond compliance to be good neighbors in the communities where they operate. Why? Because they’re not just industry professionals, they are fathers, mothers and family members who live and work here too.
Powering our future and protecting our communities is not an either/or scenario — it’s both. Starting with energy carefully produced in the heart of America’s Heartland. From one good neighbor to another.