Donovan Farrow grew up in the small town of Anadarko, Oklahoma. And from the beginning, he wanted a computer. So he mowed lawns to buy the parts for the first one he’d build as a teenager. His computer fascination grew into a cyber security career spanning from Tokyo, to Silicon Valley, to Washington D.C., and government agencies, including the FBI, CIA, the Secret Service and others.

Donovan’s experience left him keenly aware of the dangers faced by companies unprepared for cyber attacks. Recognizing the vulnerability in his home state, Donovan made his way back to Oklahoma where he started Alias Forensics. He and his team specialize in safeguarding data for oil and natural gas companies. Hacking his way in is the first step in assessing a company’s risks.

“It takes a hacker to catch a hacker, so that’s what we do. Hacking our way in exposes exactly where our clients’ biggest vulnerabilities are.”

—Donovan Farrow, CEO, Alias Forensics

Alias Forensics clients range from banks and municipalities with a focus on oil and natural gas. Clients are able to monitor data flow and security status remotely, using a visual dashboard; a tool that immediately reports suspicious activity. Recently, after data was stolen from a major oil & natural gas company, Donovan and his team were able to track down the cyber thieves and bring them to justice, avoiding disastrous results.

In today’s digital, cloud-based world, the industry’s assets remain largely unprotected from the wrong hands. Alias builds in security measures that prevent potential hackers from breaking in and selling off their assets or holding them for ransom.

A skillset and credentials like Donovan’s begs the question, ‘why Oklahoma?’ He simply saw a critical need and decided to meet it head-on.

One data breach can put a company out of business and thousands of people out of work. I realized that no one was stepping up to protect Oklahoma oil & natural gas companies and that’s when I decided to build my company here.”


Donovan’s passion for helping his state doesn’t end at the front door of his Oklahoma City business. He is the driving force behind Silicon Prairie; an initiative for advancing tech and data security careers where folks can network and share new trends and opportunities.

Oklahoma will always be home to Donovan. And the way he sees it, protecting the financial well-being of Oklahoma’s oil & natural gas companies not only helps protect jobs, and families today, it insures good futures and a stable economy for his kids, and theirs.

EnergyHQ is powered by the Oklahoma Energy Resources Board – OERB – which is voluntarily funded by the state's oil and natural gas producers and royalty owners. The OERB provides free environmental restoration of abandoned well sites and works to educate the state's citizens about the oil and natural gas industry. For more on the OERB's mission and how it is funded, visit OERB.com.