Teachers are shaping Oklahoma’s future. Our future engineers, geologists and accountants depend on our schools and educators, and so too does the oil and natural gas industry.
According to the latest economic impact numbers from the State Chamber of Oklahoma Research Foundation, $331 million in oil and natural gas production revenue went to public education and $81.9 million went to local school districts in 2015. That is huge for our state’s schools and it doesn’t stop there.
Through the voluntarily contributions of the oil and natural gas producers and royalty owners, the OERB is able to offer nine different curricula, illustrated children’s books, educational video resources, scholarships, technical training and classroom presentations.
To date, the OERB has spent almost $14 million on curricula that provide teachers with STEM lessons that have real-world applications. This curricula has been taught in 98 percent of school districts in the state. The OERB also provides critical classroom materials teachers need to teach the curricula. These “kits” can be valued up to $1,100 and, depending on the curricula, can include everything from balance scales to graphing calculators and glass beakers.
Teachers who have been through an OERB workshop, which provide training to teach the curricula and professional development hours, are also eligible for a free field trip every year to one of eleven museums across the state. The OERB has spent $4.2 million on field trips so far. Along with the other various programing, the OERB has dedicated more than $40 million to education in Oklahoma.
It is all made possible through the generosity of one of Oklahoma’s strongest industries, oil and natural gas and royalty owners.
Learn more about the oil and natural gas industry’s contributions to Oklahoma education by watching the following video and visiting the OERB.com/education.