Economic Impact

State Impact: Oil & Natural Gas

The oil and natural gas industry has a direct economic impact on the state of Oklahoma. From our schools, to the roads on which we drive and the areas where we ...


SCOOP, STACK, Play. We’ve all heard them in the news or headlines of the papers, but what do these even mean? And why are they important? A “Play” is a group...

ONG: More Than Roughnecks & Executives

When you think of people in the oil and natural gas industry, what comes to mind? If you’re like most people, it conjures up images of executives in ties and me...

What is “GDP” And why should I care?

GDP. You guessed it, it’s an acronym and one of an economist’s very favorite. GDP stands for Gross Domestic Product, which is a percentage made up of the follow...

Friday Night Lights – Fueled by Community

There’s just something about fall and football in Oklahoma. It’s hard to describe to an outsider. It’s that feeling you get just putting on your school colors. ...

Record Breaking HUGE

And we're not talking about President-elect Trump. We’re talking about the discovery of the largest continuous oil and gas deposit EVER in the United States. Ea...

Energy Entrepreneur: Greg Archbald

“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” Sound familiar? Greg Archbald turned this saying on its ear by using cloud technology to connect oil and gas pumpers with the...